Complementary Asthma Treatments To Consider

If you suffer from asthma, prescription medications like corticosteroids can go a long way in keeping the symptoms under control. But if you're taking your medications and still feeling a little wheezy at times, then you may want to consider including one or more of these complementary treatments in your routine, too. Herbal Remedies Before adding any herbs to your diet, check with your doctor to ensure they won't interfere with the medications you're already taking. [Read More]

3 Approaches To Managing RA Pain Without Narcotics

Due to changes in opioid prescribing guidelines, many people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who relied on opioids for chronic pain were left undertreated or with no pain management at all. If you have RA, there may be other non-opioid ways to reduce pain. Address The Root Cause The root cause of pain from RA is inflammation, which is not only painful in itself but can lead to joint damage and hypermobility. [Read More]

Caring For Your Medical Scrubs When Cleaning Them

For individuals that work in medical settings, scrubs can be an important part of their work attire. As with other uniforms and work clothing, scrubs can sustain a lot of wear that will require them to be replaced eventually. Luckily, there are several options available to help you with reducing the amount of wear that the scrubs sustain. This is particularly true when it comes to scrubs due to the need to clean them after each shift in order to keep them sanitary. [Read More]

Botox Can Help Those With Early Wrinkles Caused By A Sugary Diet

Wrinkles have a pretty broad range of potential causes, some of which may be surprising. For instance, those who enjoy a sugary diet may find that they develop wrinkles more quickly and suffer from long-term health issues. Thankfully, Botox can provide help for those who have ravaged their facial health with sugary foods. Why Early Wrinkles Are Tied to Sugary Foods The development of early wrinkles is a problem that can impact many people at just about any time and are quite frustrating if they are allowed to worsen. [Read More]