When To See A Neurologist After A Car Accident

After a car accident, you may need treatment from a variety of types of professionals. One type of individual you might need help from is a neurologist. These types of specialists treat those who have suffered injuries that affect the brain, spinal cord, or nerves. If your neurological injuries are not treated, you may be disabled and may experience long-term pain.

Types of Neurological Injuries Caused by Car Accidents

If you suffer a head injury, you may be suffering from a cerebral contusion. If this is the case, you may need months or even years of physical therapy to recover.

You may suffer soft tissue injuries in the spine or neck. You may also experience a fracture in your back or neck. With any of these issues, you will need to consult with a personal injury doctor. They can treat you and will also be able to help you establish medical records of everything that occurred just in case you will need to take the at-fault driver to court.

Symptoms of Neurological Problems After a Car Accident

After the accident, you might not feel like yourself. For instance, you may be suffering from severe headaches, ringing in your ears, a humming noise, tingling or numb sensations in your fingers and toes, hypersensitivity to light, or sore and tender muscles. In addition, you might have a slurred speed pattern that is difficult to understand.

You should not ignore these neurological problems and instead receive treatment as soon as possible. If you do not receive treatment, your condition might end up becoming much worse.

After an accident, you may not even realize that you are injured. For instance, you might have adrenaline flowing through you and you might not feel the pain or neurological symptoms. However, the consequences of your injuries can be potentially deadly. For example, the act of falling asleep with a head injury can lead to you never waking up again.

Treatments for Neurological Symptoms

Your doctor might simply recommend that you rest in order to recover. However, you may need a prescription medication to manage your pain. The injured area might also need to be immobilized. In extreme cases, you may even need surgery to recover from your injuries.

If you are concerned about paying for your visit to a personal injury doctor, your insurance provider or the at-fault driver's insurance provider might pay. However, you may lose your right to treatment if you do not seek treatment right away. For more information, contact a personal injury doctor.
