Prostate cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable cancers. As long as you have regular exams and pay attention to potential symptoms, prostate cancer can be avoided in many cases. The American Cancer Society recommends that prostate cancer screenings start between the ages of 40 and 50, based on your risk factors. However, even before that time you can familiarize yourself with the symptoms of prostate cancer. If you know what to watch out for while you're still young, you may be able to avoid prostate cancer and other serious health problems when you're older.
The Symptoms to Watch Out For
While prostate cancer is quite rare in young men, it can happen. If it does occur while you're young, you might not know it until the disease is quite developed -- after all, you don't normally have routine screenings prior to your 40s or 50s. However, you can still be proactive about prostate cancer by knowing some of the warning signs.
There are several prostate cancer symptoms that you can watch for, including all of the following.
- Increased frequency of urination
- Increasingly weak flow of urine
- Difficulty in emptying the bladder -- you may need to strain yourself to urinate
- Pain while urinating
- Burning while urinating
- Discolored urine -- typically dark yellow, orange, or even red in color due to blood
- Increased restlessness during the night due to increased need to urinate
- Discolored semen due to blood
- Impotence
- Pain in the genitals, which can occur both during urination and during other times
If You Develop Prostate Cancer Symptoms
If you develop any of the prostate cancer signs listed above, it's absolutely imperative that you visit your doctor as soon as possible. While very few younger men develop prostate cancer, it's entirely possible that other health problems can mimic prostate cancer symptoms. Your doctor should perform a thorough exam, including a prostate cancer screening, if you're experiencing clear signs of prostate problems.
If you're diagnosed with prostate cancer while you're still young -- well before the age that is typical for prostate cancer diagnosis -- it's important that you seek a prostate specialist second opinion. Your doctor will understand that you feel the need to verify his findings -- after all, this is your long term health and wellness at stake!
While it's unlikely that you'll develop prostate cancer in your 20s or 30s, it's still best to be aware and to stay on top of your health by monitoring symptoms. Contact your doctor right away if you need help or advice about prostate symptoms.