If you're trying to beat an addiction to an opiate such as heroin, your doctor will commonly prescribe you with a drug such as Suboxone. This drug works with your body's opiate receptors to help you avoid the difficult withdrawal symptoms that occur when trying to quit a drug such as heroin, and can allow you to kick your drug habit and put its life-threatening consequences behind you.
Getting a prescription for Suboxone brings you a step closer toward getting clean, but you'll still need to take a conscientious attitude when it comes to taking this drug. Here are three things that you shouldn't do with your Suboxone prescription.
Adjust Your Dosage
Your medical professional will give you dosage instructions when he or she writes your prescription for Suboxone. It's imperative that you follow these instructions meticulously—and, if you find your confused at any point, you should always call the clinic or your pharmacist for clarification. Some addicts may be tempted to adjust their dosage of Suboxone for different reasons. For example, if you're really struggling with urges to take heroin, you might feel that doubling your Suboxone dosage is a good idea. Doing so, however, is not recommended.
Change How You Use It
Just as you shouldn't adjust your dosage of Suboxone, you should also not alter how you take the drug. Drug addicts know that there are many ways to take drugs, including opiates. For example, while many people inject heroin, other users also snort or smoke it. The required usage of Suboxone is to place it beneath your tongue. However, some addicts may think about crushing it and snorting it. You should never deviate from the requires method of use.
Share It With Others
The usefulness of your Suboxone prescription depends on you taking it in its entirety, which means that you should not share it with another addict. Many opiate addicts have friends or family members who are in a similar situation. If you have a Suboxone prescription and you have a friend who is struggling with opiate addiction and expresses a desire to get clean, you may feel as though it's a helpful gesture to share your prescription with him or her. Not only can doing so be detrimental to your recovery efforts, but it's also illegal to give prescription medication to others. Additionally, you don't know this person's health situation, and sharing your drugs could endanger his or her life.
For more information about getting over your addictions safely, ensure you work closely with local heroin addiction treatment services.