When you wear hearing aids, you need to take extra precautions to protect them from damage. You also need to make sure you are protecting your ears. This is particularly true during the winter months. You may think that your ears and your hearing aids are safe during the winter, but that's not necessarily true. In fact, if you lead an active lifestyle during the winter, and you're involved in a variety of outdoor winter activities, your ears and your hearing aids could be susceptible to damage. Here are three steps you should take to protect your ears and your hearing aids this winter.
Remember the Volume Settings
If you're going to be spending a lot of time outside, you've got to remember to adjust the volume settings. The best way to do that is with memory settings; however, if you don't have that option on your hearing aids, you'll need to remember to take care of the settings manually. You might not realize this, but winter noises can cause serious damage, especially if you're around snow removal equipment or snowmobiles. A good rule of thumb is to turn your hearing aids down as soon as you head outside, and then increase the volume until it's at a comfortable range.
Use Ear Protection When You're Outside
If the idea of adjusting the volume each time you go outside isn't appealing to you, it's time to invest in some winter ear protection. Sound-reducing ear muffs will not only keep the sounds at a safe range for you, they'll also help keep your ears warm, which will reduce the occurrence of winter ear infections. One of the benefits of the sound-reducing ear muffs is that you can take them off as soon as you head inside, which will bring the volume right back up to a satisfactory level.
Keep the Moisture Out of Your Ears
If you wear hearing aids, you know that moisture in your ears can cause serious problems. You might think that you don't need to worry about moisture during the winter, especially since you won't be swimming; unfortunately, that's not actually true. There are many winter factors that can cause moisture to build up in your ears, including sweating during strenuous outdoor activities, or even being outdoors when it's snowing. In fact, snowballs can cause a great deal of moisture to get inside your ears. To protect your ears, be sure to keep them as dry as possible. If your ears get wet, head inside and wipe them out with a soft cloth. Be sure to dry off your hearing aids as well.
For more information, contact companies like Accurate Hearing Technology Inc.