From the notorious ear horn for hearing loss to the modern hearing aids of the future, there have been great advances in audiology over the years. These days, hearing aids are far more comfortable, far more attractive, and far more efficient than they have ever been before. Therefore, if you are in need of a hearing aid, you really should have no concerns about getting a device at all. The hearing aids and the process of being fitted for a hearing aid are nowhere near as intimidating as you may have in mind. Here is a look at how hearing aids have changed in the last several years.
Hearing aids no longer make your own voice sound funny.
A long time ago, hearing aids were all made in a specific way so they completely covered the opening of the ear canal. The top complaint because of this is that when users spoke while wearing the aid, their voices sounded funny like they were talking through a tube or into a barrel. Newer hearing aids rest inside of the canal of the ear, but they do not completely cover the opening, so when you speak, your voice still naturally travels through the ear canal and sounds normal.
Hearing aids no longer squeak, screech, and squeal.
Of all of the complaints about hearing aids, the screeches and squeaks of feedback were probably the top complaints. This noise, which is professionally referred to as feedback, was caused by the frequency of the device being too high or sometimes interacting with surrounding devices and electronics. Thankfully, the development of the digital hearing aid helped to eliminate the squeaking problem that caused so much strife with the older models. No matter how high you turn the hearing aid up, or what devices you encounter, you should not hear squealing or feedback.
Hearing aids are no longer such an obvious device.
Older hearing aids were pretty noticeable because of their stature and the way they sat in the ear canal. A lot of people would feel embarrassed about wearing the aid, so it being visible was a major problem. The hearing aids of today are far less noticeable, some being so small that you would barely be able to tell a person was wearing one even if you were standing right beside them. The transition to digital hearing aids is in part to thank for the small stature of modern hearing devices.
Contact a hearing clinic, like Abingdon Falls Plaza Hearing Center, for more help.